In his 2009 book, "Drive," Daniel Pink proposes a new motivational model that he believes is a better fit for today's creative and innovative workplaces.
Pink's model focuses on enabling people to become intrinsically motivated – that is, using internal drives as a source of motivation. He calls this behavior "Type I." It contrasts with the traditional model of extrinsic motivation, or "Type X" behavior, which focuses on motivating people through reward and punishment.
To build an intrinsically motivated team, you need to focus on three key factors:
Autonomy – people are trusted and encouraged to take ownership of their own work and skill development.
Mastery – people see no limits to their potential and are given the tools they need to continue to improve their skills.
Purpose – people are encouraged to use their skills to achieve a "greater" purpose – for instance, getting involved in a "good cause" that they are passionate about.
#GBGAbuja #DanielPink
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