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Inspiration from Ukrainians: A Lesson for Nigerians

Inspiration from Ukrainians: A Lesson for Nigerians

The resilience of Ukrainians has been a beacon of inspiration for the world. Despite overwhelming destruction, they stood steadfast with their country and her decisions. This unwavering patriotism defines what it means to be a patriot.

As Nigerians, we must scrutinize our own actions. Many of us hold our country to exceptionally high standards, often without acknowledging the realities and historical context. It’s crucial to subject our expectations to fair scrutiny and fact-checking.

Economic and Developmental Challenges: A Global Perspective

Nigeria, at 64 years old, faces numerous challenges such as corruption, instability, and economic hardship. However, it's important to recognize that the most developed countries today faced similar trials when they were at Nigeria's age.

For instance, what were the challenges the United States faced at 64 years old? Economic instability, political corruption, and social upheaval were prevalent. The same can be said for many other developed nations.

Challenges Faced by Developed Countries at 64 Years

  1. United States: At 64, the U.S. grappled with post-Civil War reconstruction, rampant corruption (the Gilded Age), and economic disparity. United States Challenges in the 19th Century -
  2. United Kingdom: Faced industrial unrest, political instability, and economic challenges during its early years of development. United Kingdom Industrial and Political Struggles -
  3. Germany: Dealt with political fragmentation and economic hardship before unification in the late 19th century. Germany’s Path to Unification -
  4. Japan: Post-Meiji Restoration, Japan struggled with modernization and internal conflict. Japan’s Meiji Restoration and Modernization -
  5. France: Endured political instability and social upheaval during the Third Republic. France’s Third Republic Challenges -
  6. Italy: Experienced political fragmentation and economic struggles post-unification. Italy’s Post-Unification Struggles -
  7. Canada: Dealt with economic dependency on Britain and internal political tensions. Canada’s Early Developmental Issues -
  8. Australia: Faced economic dependency and political instability in its early federation years. Australia’s Early Federation Years -
  9. South Korea: Struggled with post-war reconstruction and economic challenges in the 20th century. South Korea’s Economic Challenges -
  10. China: Faced economic reform challenges and political instability post-1949. China’s Post-1949 Economic Reforms -

Specific Examples and Data

To add depth, here are some specific examples and data points:

United States: During the Gilded Age (late 19th century), the U.S. saw rapid industrialization and economic growth, but also significant income inequality and political corruption. The economic disparity led to social movements such as the labor strikes in the 1880s and 1890s, including the famous Haymarket Affair. United States Challenges in the 19th Century -

Germany: Before unification in 1871, Germany was a collection of fragmented states. The economic struggles included widespread poverty and the impact of wars like the Franco-Prussian War. The Zollverein (customs union) played a crucial role in economic development by promoting trade among the German states. Germany’s Path to Unification -

Rhetorical Questions to Reflect On

  1. How fair is it to expect Nigeria to overcome in 64 years what other nations took centuries to achieve?
  2. Are we considering the historical and global context when we critique our nation's progress?


While high expectations for our country are understandable and necessary for progress, they should be balanced with fairness and objectivity. By recognizing that many developed nations faced similar challenges at comparable stages, we can foster a more constructive and patriotic approach to Nigeria’s development.

Thank you. 


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