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Showing posts from September, 2024

Petition: Addressing Gaps in International Humanitarian Law to Protect Civilians in Conflict Zones

A. CURRENT CHALLENGE: Currently, there is no specific provision in international humanitarian law (IHL) that can effectively stop the rising civilian casualties in places like Gaza and Lebanon. The law essentially states that if parties want to engage in conflict, they can, but they must ensure they do not spill 'excessive' civilian blood (as per the principle of proportionality).  However, the law does not explicitly prohibit fighting near sensitive locations such as schools, hospitals, or densely populated areas with large civilian numbers.  This lack of clear, enforceable restrictions on combat near civilian infrastructure is a major factor contributing to the ongoing humanitarian crises, marked by rising deaths and mass civilian displacement. B. POSSIBLE SOLUTION REQUIRES THE AMENDMENT OF THE RELEVANT INTERNATIONAL LAWS, WHICH CAN ALSO BE TRIGGERED VIA A PETITION: Petition: Addressing Gaps in International Humanitarian Law to Protect Civilians in Conflict Zones To: The Unit

Understanding the Principle of Proportionality in International Armed Conflict: Legal Justifications vs. Human Costs

"I came to a realization while watching a debate on Piers Morgan Uncensored yesterday: under international humanitarian law, civilian casualties are not automatically illegal. Instead, the principle of proportionality dictates that these casualties are permissible as long as they are not excessive in relation to the direct and concrete military advantage gained. It's a sobering reminder of just how complex and morally challenging our world can be." Understanding the Principle of Proportionality in International Armed Conflict: Legal Justifications vs. Human Costs In the heart of every war-torn zone—whether Gaza, Ukraine, Lebanon, or beyond—there exists a common sentiment shared by many around the world: it is unfair that innocent civilians are caught in the crossfire. The images of homes reduced to rubble, families displaced, and the growing toll of civilian deaths evoke deep empathy and raise a moral dilemma that cuts across political and ideological lines. How can such

Interviewing Hunger: Your Relentless Life Coach

Interviewing Hunger: Your Relentless Life Coach Scene: You’re seated at a desk, flipping through résumés. The door creaks open, and in walks Hunger, confident, unapologetic, and determined. It’s here for an interview—applying for the job of your life coach. You: ("Adjusting your glasses, looking over a résumé") “So, Hunger, you’re here applying to be my life coach, huh? Why do you think you’re the right fit for the job?” Hunger: ("Leaning back in the chair, arms crossed") “Oh, I’m more than qualified. Let’s be real—you’ve known me for years. Every time you hit a low, I was there, pushing you forward. Need proof? Check my references: Entrepreneurs, athletes, artists... They all got to the top with me hanging around.” You: “Hmm, interesting. But let’s be honest, your reputation isn’t exactly... pleasant. Most people seem to avoid you.” Hunger: ("Smirks") “Sure, they try to avoid me, but they always come back. See, I’m not here to make life easy—I’m here

The True Friend That Never Leaves: A Conversation About Hunger, Perseverance, and Success

CONNECT  .  INFORM  .  INSPIRE The True Friend That Never Leaves: A Conversation About Hunger, Perseverance, and Success In life, we are often reminded that true friends are hard to come by. Friends who stick by you through thick and thin, the ones who weather the storm, and those who walk the hard roads with you, are indeed rare. But there’s one companion who remains by your side, even when everything else seems to abandon you—hunger (Afande Memes). The Uninvited Yet Familiar Friend Hunger doesn’t need an invitation. It’s that invisible force reminding you that comfort is temporary, that complacency can lead to stagnation, and that effort is always required. In the hardest of times, when resources are low and spirits are down, hunger becomes your most consistent companion. It’s a feeling we’ve all experienced, not just in the physical sense, but also in the metaphorical hunger for success, purpose, and a better life. Hunger, whether it's for food or success, never abandons you. It

What I loved most about FFDC

What I loved most about FFDC is that `FlutterFlow` simplifies app development, allowing developers to focus on solving real-world problems rather than getting bogged down by technical complexities.  By streamlining the entire development process, FlutterFlow enables developers to bring their digital products and services to life with greater speed and efficiency.  This approach not only accelerates the journey from concept to completion but also empowers developers to prioritize innovation and user experience over feasibility concerns, ultimately driving more impactful solutions. #FlutterFlow #FFDC

FlutterFlow Developer Conference (FFDC)

FlutterFlow Developer Conference (FFDC) #FlutterFlow #FFDC