Hello All, I hope you and your family are doing great. Melissa Gave was nominated for "WomenTech Ambassador Award, WomenTech Community Award" at the Global Awards 2021 Women Tech Network. Voting is how we can make a positive change in our communities, and so we humbly solicit your SUPPORT and VOTE . Voting is two (2) steps. Step 1 - Click the LINKS below. Step 2 - then, SHARE the post. (a) FACEBOOK https://web.facebook.com/login.php?skip_api_login=1&api_key=140586622674265&signed_next=1&next=https%3A%2F%2Fweb.facebook.com%2Fv4.0%2Fdialog%2Fshare%3Fredirect_uri%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fs7.addthis.com%252Fstatic%252Fthankyou.html%26display%3Dpopup%26href%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.womentech.net%252Fnominee%252FMelissa%252FGave%252F64645%2523.YVSXDKIAY90.facebook%26client_id%3D140586622674265%26ret%3Dlogin&cancel_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs7.addthis.com%2Fstatic%2Fthankyou.html%3Ferror_code%3D4201%26error_message%3DUser%2Bcanceled%2Bthe%2BDialog%2Bflow%23_%3D_&disp...
I'm an IT Consultant and Systems Professional with a deep passion for technology. As a Community Lead and Tech Enthusiast, I specialize in Google's tech offerings, various other industry-leading solutions, and my own bespoke innovations aimed at enhancing business processes. Whether teaching or consulting, my primary goal is to drive utmost efficiency and effectiveness in every endeavor.