Wow! Perfect, you can send. Relieving remark from Mail-Tester, one of the supportive website that helps email marketers get their deliverability concerns right. Top email marketers on the planet will tell you the first and most important rule: “Make sure you get 10/10”. Trust me; a score of 9.9 out of 10 is a strong validation that you’ve got your inbox rate bottleneck solved. In literal words, it means you have your foot in the door, but that is not surety that you can sit. Yes, the most important metric is measured on the total amount of emails that get into the inbox(es) of prospective customers. As you all know, the algorithms are now way smarter than ever. No matter how determined you are, they have the spam folders waiting for you at the door, where they feel your foot ought to be, unless you get those things right. And of-course, if you are the persistent typ...
I'm an IT Consultant and Systems Professional with a deep passion for technology. As a Community Lead and Tech Enthusiast, I specialize in Google's tech offerings, various other industry-leading solutions, and my own bespoke innovations aimed at enhancing business processes. Whether teaching or consulting, my primary goal is to drive utmost efficiency and effectiveness in every endeavor.