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Showing posts from 2018

Be Unstoppable in 2019

Of-course, I can’t FORGET THIS – “Season Greetings” to everyone who has been laughing despite our dry jokes in the course of 2018. And most importantly, those that laugh so hard even before we say the jokes and of-course those who don’t bother to read them.  WISHING YOU ALL A PROSPEROUS 2019 AND BEYOND. The catch here is to say a big “Thank You” to GBG, I mean the “gods (G) behind (B) GBG (G)” and am sure you’ll know that means Google Business Group (GBG) – Our beautiful and  phenomenal  Erica Hanson  &  Gene Seow . In 14 Languages: English– Thank you, Thanks; Spanish– Gracias; French– Merci (Thank you very much= Merci Beaucoup); Italian– Grazie; Japanese– (Domo) Arigato (ah-ree-gah’-toh) or written ありがとう; Chinese– do jeh, daw-dyeh; German– Danke sehr; Thai– Khop Khun Mak Kha; Russian– Spasiba (spah-see’-boh); Korean– written 감사합니다 gamsahabnida; Icelandic– Takk; Hawaiian– Mahalo; Hebrew– Toda (toh-dah’); Greek– Efharisto (ef-har-ris-tou’).  # GBG...

BizFest 2018

I told you  # BizFest18  was SPEECHLESS. I told you  # BizFest  was COMING. Now she’s HERE. Part 1 of the Photos Released! # AreYouNotEntertained  ? 430 Sign-Ups, 326 Confirmed Attendees, 273 Attendees showed up and stayed from 9am – 6pm. Activities: GBG Success Stories, Adwords Express, Disruptive Strategy & Design Thinking, G Suite, New Google Sites, Updates on Google Photos, Android Things, Google Home Mini with Chromecast (Live Demo), Lots of Businesses Verified on Maps and Search, Google Analytics e.t.c. “PHENOMENAL”  # GBGAbuja Pictures Available Here:


Hello All, Just for laughs – One of the Attendees just asked me, Ade how can we be sure you guys are prepared for the GBG BizFest 2018 coming up next Saturday 24 th November, 2018 by 10am at Grand Ibro Hotel, Zone 5 Abuja. Then, I sent the pictures below. She said, I didn’t ask you to show-off your swags (T-Shirts, Notepads, Pen, Identification Tags e.t.c). Well, really! are all these for PARTICIPANTS? I said “mmm hmm” She replied, well, you could have simply said, you were prepared – that’s ALL. Well, I apologized, and I said – sorry about that, my intention was to just show you how prepared we were, but of-course not with the swags, that was NOT THE CATCH this time around. She asked, and then… what is it catch? I said the GREEN LIGHT ON THE MIC – It’s already TURNED ON. CONNECT . INFORM . INSPIRE #GBG #BizFest18

Connect LIVE Abuja on the 15th November, 2018 at Barcelona Hotel, Abuja

Do you wonder how easy it is, for people to discover local places via sharing reviews, photos and knowledge about places around? The truth is: “Local Guides help inform millions of people”. I was at Connect LIVE Abuja on the 15th November, 2018 at Barcelona Hotel, Abuja. Awesome Experience. Let’s try this - Visit Play Store and Download Street View – Experience how easy it is now to take 360 degree photos. The question is: Why do “Selfie” alone, when you can do “Worlfie” or “Worldie” with everyone – Who knows what name it will be given (Lol).

G Suite for Education Training at Noble Guide Academy, FCT - Abuja

Awesome time at the Noble Guide Academy in FCT - Abuja. Passionate Teachers were exposed to the power of Google Classroom and other tools in the G Suite for Education i.e. Docs, Spreadsheet, Forms, Analytics e.t.c. Now, teachers can now leverage on the topic feature in tracking students’ academic performance as they progress in class while studying the curriculum of a particular subject.

BizFest is != DevFest

Our duty is to Fix Problems and Make Barriers Disappear. hashtag # FixProblems hashtag # MakeBarriersDisappear hashtag # BizFest18 hashtag # DevFest18

BizFest 2018

Hello Everyone, BizFest 2018 is here. Remember we held GDays last year? We are thrilled to inform you that, it will be BizFest 2018 this year. This event is aimed at allowing anyone LEARN about Google products and technologies that can help them START, SCALE or SOLVE business challenges. To attend, Click Here to Register #BizFest18

GBG Success Stories 2018

Did Google technologies empower you to start or scale your business? Perhaps even help create a positive impact on the lives of people in your community? Please share your inspirational story with us, and winning stories will be publicized on various GBG international platforms. Eligible winners will also be rewarded with a complimentary consultancy session with actual technology practitioners and industry experts. Submit your Story Here -

The Prosperity Paradox - An Outstanding Nigerian #Nailed Efosa Ojomo