Of-course, I can’t FORGET THIS – “Season Greetings” to everyone who has been laughing despite our dry jokes in the course of 2018. And most importantly, those that laugh so hard even before we say the jokes and of-course those who don’t bother to read them. WISHING YOU ALL A PROSPEROUS 2019 AND BEYOND. The catch here is to say a big “Thank You” to GBG, I mean the “gods (G) behind (B) GBG (G)” and am sure you’ll know that means Google Business Group (GBG) – Our beautiful and phenomenal Erica Hanson & Gene Seow . In 14 Languages: English– Thank you, Thanks; Spanish– Gracias; French– Merci (Thank you very much= Merci Beaucoup); Italian– Grazie; Japanese– (Domo) Arigato (ah-ree-gah’-toh) or written ありがとう; Chinese– do jeh, daw-dyeh; German– Danke sehr; Thai– Khop Khun Mak Kha; Russian– Spasiba (spah-see’-boh); Korean– written 감사합니다 gamsahabnida; Icelandic– Takk; Hawaiian– Mahalo; Hebrew– Toda (toh-dah’); Greek– Efharisto (ef-har-ris-tou’). # GBG...
I'm an IT Consultant and Systems Professional with a deep passion for technology. As a Community Lead and Tech Enthusiast, I specialize in Google's tech offerings, various other industry-leading solutions, and my own bespoke innovations aimed at enhancing business processes. Whether teaching or consulting, my primary goal is to drive utmost efficiency and effectiveness in every endeavor.