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The Unsung Heroes: Why Doctors Are More Than Healers—They Are Leaders

"The idea may seem unconventional, but when we consider the qualities that make for good leaders—empathy, quick decision-making, problem-solving, and the ability to handle pressure—doctors naturally come to mind." The Unsung Heroes: Why Doctors Are More Than Healers—They Are Leaders In a world driven by rapid technological advancements and evolving societal challenges, few professions remain as timeless and essential as that of the medical doctor. The role of a doctor extends far beyond diagnosing ailments and prescribing treatments; it is a role that demands unwavering dedication, emotional resilience, and an unparalleled depth of intelligence. As series like The Good Doctor and The Resident remind us, the extraordinary measures taken by these professionals in the face of life-or-death scenarios reveal a level of genius and compassion that should be celebrated—and possibly, emulated in other fields. Medical doctors operate in a high-stakes environment where their every decis
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The Plane That Won't Fly: A Reflection on Confidence, Trust, and Self-Awareness

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Petition: Addressing Gaps in International Humanitarian Law to Protect Civilians in Conflict Zones

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